Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Offline Webinar Formula 2.0 Review and bonus should I get it

Offline Webinar Formula 2.0 Review: Every second you delay is a second lost that you could have spent growing your business with webinars.
Here is just some of what you will learn: MODULE #1
Using your Webinar to make the customer want to buy from you without hitting them over the head with Buy, Buy, Buy! (Module 1 Video 1)
What is the #1 thing that everyone else is doing that you absolutley MUST NOT do or you mess up the whole formula? (Module 1 Video 3)
What are the 3-key things your Webinar must get your customers to do? (Module 1 Video 3)
MODULE #2: How do I get my customers to buy from me without giving them a sales pitch? (Module 2 Video 1). How "Lunch and Learns" got me the Good House Keeping Seal of Approval (Module 2 Video 2). How Microsoft, Cisco and a 20 year old picture frame gave me the idea for the Ultimate Bribe (Module 2 Video 4)
MODULE #3: Why you will make more money if your Webinars are 100% pitch-free (plus ways to monetize the webinars even though you are not pitching anything). (Module 3 Video 2). My secret “research chunking” method that makes doing research painless and builds your Offline Webinar Formula 2.0 Review presentation in a fraction of the time. (Module 3 Video 3)
The fastest way to create webinar content without outsourcing it even if you are terrible at writing. (Module 3 Video 4)
The exact amount of time a Webinar should last and the opening you should use. (Module 3 Video 5). A Call to Action that will keep your webinar attendees on the Webinar until the very end and it cost you almost nothing. (Module 3 Video 5)
Should you always have a co-host on Webinars or always go solo? My answer may surprise you. (Module 3 Video 6). How to get local celebrities to practically beg to create your webinar content for you. (Module 3 Video 6)
Follow these links to view full review:

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