Thursday, November 14, 2019

STORIEBOT Review 2300$ bonuses 49% discount

StorieBot Review: But..BUT..BUT YOU ALREADY KNOW THAT, RIGHT? :)TRUTH IS...  INSTAGRAM POSTS ARE OLD NEWS! Now we’re getting to the sexier stuff, but that’s not even the sexiest. Let’s talk about Instagram posts - The Timeline. Money is FLOWING OUT OF THERE and into STORIES. People no longer engage with posts, people ignore posts, especially paid posts. Sure they last longer, but in today’s short attention span and fast consumption of media, posts are old news. Stories Are Where The Money IS REALLY At  (HERE’S PROOF). Stories work really well vs posts and here’s why: When a user logs into IG, the first thing they do and maybe the only thing, is open the stories of their favourite brands and accounts, consume what’s there, AND LEAVE. Rarely they scroll for posts anymore, they all want to quickly see the daily updates.
Stories = Trends = Hot = Money And Fast. Here Are Some Stats To Prove It: FACT 1: Nearly 1.7 Billion Accounts Use The Stories Format Daily. FACT 2: Stories Are Easier To Consume And Monetize. FACT 3: Stories Are Growing Faster Than Any Other Form Of Social Media Feature Out There. FACT 4: 36% Of Businesses Use Instagram Stories For Product Promotion. FACT 5: 1 In 4 Millennials And Gen Z-Ers Look For Stories Of The Products And Services They Want To Buy. ⇐ MASSIVE . Now You May Be Wondering...Ok TOM, What’s The CATCH?  Well.. THE PROBLEM WITH STORIES IS… STORIES MUST CAPTURE ATTENTION. Stories are easily ignorable... they should capture maximum attention for minimum effort. That is hard if you don’t know what you’re doing. StorieBot Review
STORIES MUST BE ENGAGING. Stories are easily skippable, they must be easy and simple to consume while being clear enough on making you the sale and getting you the leads.
This is not easy to do if you don’t know what you’re doing. STORIES TAKE TIME TO CREATE.
Thinking of ideas, designing, putting it all together takes time. A lot of time and effort equals you being less efficient in making money. A boss gotta focus on boss things.
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