Monday, April 12, 2021

AffiliCreatr Review and 2300$ bonuses

AffiliCreatr Review Can do for you

Over 10,000 Articles To Choose From: They know how time consuming creating content for your site is.  BUT they also know how important it is. So they went out and created a database of over 10,000 articles for you to choose from. Just search any keyword, choose your articles, and the software will automatically add that content to your post or page when it is created. With access to their content database, you will NEVER have to worry about content again.

Trending News From Over 75,000 Wordwide Sources: Trending news is one of the best sources of content.  It is fresh, updated and there is a constant supply. With AffiliCreatr, you can add trending news from over 75,000 worldwide courses with just a click. Just search any keyword, choose your content, and the software will automatically add the news to your site. AffiliCreatr Review

Content From ANY Website RSS Feed: Still want more content? How about being able to add content to your site from ANY RSS feed automatically. Just enter an RSS feed, pick your content, and you are done.

Over 1.7 Million Images To Choose From Images are a critical element for every affiliate site.  But where do you get them from? Well, with AffiliCreatr you have over 1.7 million images to choose from built right into the software. Every image is royalty free and ready for you to us. Just search any keyword, choose your image, and the software will automatically add that image as a featured image to your post.

Automated Video Insertion: It's a great idea to add relevant YouTube videos to each post to add content, increase engagement and, of course, Google loves to see them. But manually adding videos to your posts takes way to much time. With AffiliCreatr, it is completely automated

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