Smart Content Profits Review: Always the option to add original content if you want. You’re never locked in to a content posting schedule that won’t “work” for your niche.
Automatic Curated Content Citations Keep You 100% Legal:
Remember how I said Smart Content Profits will “legally steal” content for your
site? That means it’s automatically curating content that other sources post.
This is totally whitehat and allowable -- even big companies like Yahoo depend
on curated content for their sites. But you MUST include a properly formatted
citation link back to the source. Mess this up and you’re committing a
copyright violation that can result in losing your website and high dollar fines.
Smart Content Profits will ALWAYS include a properly formatted citation link
with every single content item it curates for you. No worries, and no problems
down the line.
Get Viral Traffic, Engagement, And Linkbacks From Social
Media: If you aren’t socially sharing each article you post on your website,
you’re missing out on crucial opportunities. Viral traffic from people sharing
your posts, Social engagement that builds your social network, High value
linkbacks that search engines love. Smart Content Profits ensures every one of
your posts gets properly shared to your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr,
Imgur, Reddit, and Blogger account. Always formatted properly, always using the
right image, always ready to generate viral sharing! Smart Content
Profits Review
Can do for you
Set Up ONCE, Get Paid Over & Over
No Monthly Fees or Expenses
Perfect And Made Easy For Beginners
ALL-INCLUSIVE solution with NO monthly costs or extra tools
PANDEMIC-PROOF business that keeps on growing
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