Friday, May 31, 2019

COVERT COPY TRAFFIC PRO V2 review Should I get it?

Covert Copy Traffic Pro V2 Review: They are copy and pasting to share your blog content on forums, on Facebook, on Twitter, on their own blogs and of course via email. You've put blood, sweat and tears into creating that content - or have paid through the nose for writers or plugins to generate the content for you. The least you would expect is a link back with a chance for some referral traffic when people share your content.
But unfortunately you get none of that Until now that is because they set out to create a solution to this problem and what they came up with was a slight change to the old adage. If You Can't Beat Them Join Them. Make them work for you! At first they got angry learning that people were copy and pasting their content, sharing it without giving them credit and links. They thought about creating a plugin that would prevent this. But then they calmed down and realized that... People wanting to share their content is always a good thing! And if up to 70% of them prefer to do it via copy and pasting!
You'd want those 70% to keep doing what they are doing - you just want to make sure they include your link. They wanted to create a simple plugin that would automatically detect when people copy something from your blog...
And when they then paste the copied content into email, Facebook or whatever - the plugin should automatically include a link back to you. That's exactly what they set out to create (and then some!) - and thus Covert Copy Traffic Pro V2 Review was born.
On top of that they are going to be completely blown away by the plugin upgrade offered as the upsell - on top of more customization options. Covert Copy Traffic Pro V2 will allow you to use the plugin on any website (not just WP!) and it will give you the option to add your attribution links/message to your blog feed. This won't show in your posts, but if people scrape your blog you will now get backlinks from it (this is huge!). It's proving to be popular, which means you need to lock in your copy quick , before the price goes up. Get It Now.
Follow these links to view full review:

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